Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Definition of Market Leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Definition of Market Leader - Essay Example There are three major types of Market Leaders. Market leaders that are concentrated highly on operational brilliance comes under the first category. Wal-Mart is the best example of a company that focuses more on its operational excellance. It is a company devoted to provide low to reasonable prices with high class services. Corporations that zilch in on product leadership comes under the second category of Market Leaders. Firms like Intel, Microsoft, and Nike deals with the finest products in their target markets and continue to improvise their originality to keep themselves on top of their competitors every year (Delery, Doty, 1996, 802). Customer intimacy is another tool to attain a top ranking in the market. Firms that emphasize on customer intimacy works exhaustly to provide best possible solutions to their customers on. Nordstrom is a worthy example of a company whose business works over the concept of customer intimacy. Market leaders gets many advantages due to their huge mark et share that their competitors can only dream of. They generally get premium price for their products due to their brand strength. They enjoy lower product costs, longer product cycle and smaller sales cycle due to market responsiveness to their product lines. On the other side, All customers do not have high purchasing power, therefore market leaders’ product lines faces increased amount of market threats. Makrket leaders have to update their products on frequent basis to counter with piracy and their competitors.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effect of Unit of Analysis in Political Research

Effect of Unit of Analysis in Political Research Units of Analysis In social or scientific research, the definition of units of analysis is similar since it is the unit that the researcher will focus on while making his inquiry. According to (Lewis-Beck, Bryman, Liao, 2003), the appropriate definition of the term as developed in research is that it is the basic unit that is to be investigated. This statement implies that the unit of analysis can be defined in the hypothesis of a study or within the topic of the research. In a case where the research is based on an investigation about the truth of a hypothesis, the unit of analysis becomes the main actors in the hypothesis. In political science, it simply implies the level of actors at which a researcher will aggregate the data. In any study, the choice of actors or the unit of analysis has a bearing on the final generalization that is given by a study. In this perspective, the emergence of fallacies on the conclusion of a study will be as a result of not properly identifying the unit of analysis. In a study about the geopolitics of a country, for instance, the focus of the research could be trade relations. The selection of the actors in this study due to the interest and ideas about the actor could lead to a level of complications like cross referencing or fallacies (Babbie 2013). This article examines the possible set of units that relate to a research question about the geopolitics of China and its international partners in trade. Specifically, the units of analysis that relate to the research are discussed in details. It also observes the relevance of the units of analysis that will be selected for the investigation on the topic. Depending on the research question and the motivation of the researcher, the development of the appropriate actors or even the units of analysis could be difficult or just impossible. In this case, the use of cross-referencing is used to create a correlation of the available information to the unit of analysis that has been selected. The difficulty in obtaining the data about the unit of study may also lead to the absence of this ambiguity which seldom happens, the choice of the unit of study is simplified. Problems like the ecological fallacy that results from using data that is meant for a group to make generalization is avoided. In the case of geopolitical analysis of China and the trade relations, the major unit of analysis is the country which is China. This choice is provoked by the fact that much of the data that will be collected on the topic for purposes of analysis will have to do with a perspective of the geopolitics of China or even its partners. Data about international trade of China and the politics that govern regions like the South China Sea are potential units of analysis in this study. The ecological fallacy (Babbie 2013) can also be possible in the development of this study by making generalizations that are not about the group that is the overall country China. For instance, in a study about the preference of the wealthy Chinese businessmen and their preferred destinations of investment, a study could use the country data. In this study if the generalization of the research argues that the businessmen prefer to make trade deals with the west as opposed to the African or Asian counterparts, an ecological fallacy is given in the study. The ecological fallacy in this study will be as a result of observing the overall government bilateral trade agreements and generalizing this at the personal preference level. It is highly likely that the wealthy Chinese business persons can have interests in the African or Asian continents as well. The specific units of study, in this case, are related to the constituents of geopolitical studies or the major aspects that contribute to the subject domain of geopolitics. These units of study could be related to the concepts like demography and trade that is the main area of study. Other units of analysis can be linked to the climate of the regions, the region, natural resources, the use or imbalance of technology, and politics of the region being evaluated. For a study about the geopolitical aspects of trade relations of the Chinese especially if the comparison is inclined towards the American-Sino relations, all these factors are potential actors of the units of analysis which is the country. An imbalance of technology, for instance, is likely to trigger trade to favor the country that is in the possession of a high level of technology. Factors like efficiency could be the silent driving forces behind the success of the high technology countries. Ideas like climate could play a role like in the tourism sector. But while noting that the two countries are subcontinents there is a possibility that the overall impact of the climate more or less remains a constant factor. Despite this great mix and variety of the actors, the main actor therefore in this study remains the regional and global politics and the effects of demographics (Riegl In LandovskyÃÅ'  2013. Justification of the actors The politics of the region being evaluated in a study has a strong relation to the main actors of the economy that is the unit of study. Particularly, aspects of politics include the ability to dominate the regional bodies in a continent and the control of the same. For instance, in a regional union like the European Union, the decisions are negotiated by the members. The ability to martial the allies to vote for the interest of a country in economic affairs would have to do with the regional political influence of the country. In a case like this interests also play a major role. The role of interest is that member states will have to consider their position on the global front and the need to progress. In many instances, the interests of a nation are driven by the fact that there is need to achieve economic growth in the nation. As such any progress that is considered to have a negative impact on the economy is taken as an unwanted position by the block. Therefore aspects of politi cal ideologies and intention have an effect on the geopolitical relations. In demographics, the profligacy of the United States has come under sharp criticism. This idea has become a central potential of exploitation of the Chinese in dealing with the trade with the American public. Leonard (2006) examines the roles of this demographic factor in the relations of trade created between the two partners. Its findings indicate that the American public has become extremely uncaring of their spending habits in the past that even led to the recession that occurred in the nation. As a result, this actor is a significant variable in examining the geopolitical relations that have to do with trade between the nations. The reason for its importance is related to the level of debt that China holds for the United States. This research study also claims that the height of debt that America hold in China is substantial and a major driver in the trade relations between the two states. The selection of the two main actors in this type of research is based on the ability to take a validity assessment and the reliability of a study. In any research, before making a generalization, the review of the measurement is taken. For instance, it would be important to review if all measurements of the information that is contained in the study is properly within the context and requirements of the same study. In this case, main geopolitical factors in the study will have to be tested for their validity and reliability in making generalization of the subject of discussion. This factor means that the actors will have to be listed within the sub-factors that indicate their face or content validity. The face validity of the actors includes factors that the researcher envisions in their study (Babbie 2010). The content validity is deeper in meaning and will cover the major conventional attributes that build or indicate the actor in research. Reliability, on the other hand, deals wi th the replication of the same study (Kibble 2011). Therefore, the selection of these two actors which are important aspects of the unit of study will be a stronger block in generating the sub-factors that will point to a more reliable and valid study. Selected case study The unit of analysis, in this case, is at country level. It would be important to select case studies with the same level of units of analysis. In looking at the geopolitical factors and their effects on the international trade with China, this study will select a case study based in the United States and a Scandinavian country or a developing country. This selection will aim at unveiling the difference in the geopolitical factors that favor or does not favor trade in the two countries. At a more specific level, a comparison of the main actors that are involved will be the main factor. This will aim at unveiling if the two main actors that have been identified by this research are valid or not. The choice of the United States in the geopolitical study is made mainly because the United States is a major trading partner of the Peoples Republic of China. Therefore, a study in the geopolitical aspects of the relation could make conclusive on the facts relating to the same. Another important aspect is to do with the Chinese economic system that is communist and the inclination towards the western democratic nations. It would be important here to see if the political aspects have anything to do with the level of trade that is generated between the United States and the Chinese counterparts. In conclusion, the choice of a unit of analysis has a significant bearing on the outcome of a research process. The main contribution of the fact is based on the identification and selection of the units. In a case of improper selection, the problems that are likely to arise are related to the fallacy of the outcome of the study. In ecological fallacy, the generalization of the outcome and the drivers of the same is the main concern. It would be inappropriate to make group conclusion of results as a representative of individual units of analysis and vice versa. In a study of this character, it is also important to review the validity and reliability issues. References Babbie, E. (2013). The basics of social research. Cengage Learning. Babbie, E. R. (2010). The practice of social research. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Cengage. Kibble, B. P. (2011). Reliability in Scientific Research: Improving the Dependability of Measurements, Calculations, Equipment, and Software, by IR Walker: Scope: review. Level: postgraduate, early career researcher, researcher, scientist, engineers. Contemporary Physics, 52(6), 615-616. Lewis-Beck, M., Bryman, A. E., Liao, T. F. (2003). The Sage encyclopedia of social science research methods. Sage Publications. Leonard, Andrew (2006), No More Treasury Bonds, Thank You, I’m Full: Is China Tired of Propping up the U.S. Economy?, 6 January, online: /china_bonds> (17 May 2015). Riegl, M., In LandovskyÃÅ' , J. (2013). Strategic and geopolitical issues in the contemporary world.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Violence In The Media :: essays research papers

Violence in the Media In the world we live in, violence is a way of life for many people. Chances are, most of the people reading this live in nice, upper-middle class suburbs, just like I do. But, just because we don't see this violence doesn't mean it doesn't happen. We all know it happens, we're not stupid, we watch the news, we read the newspaper. So why does the government try to censor violence? Why does the government try to censor sex? Is it because we can't handle it? No. I can handle it. I may be what most psychologists would call desensitized, but that doesn't mean I'm going to shoot up my junior high school. I could never do that. After all, the government has kept me away from guns. We simply aren't allowed to view violence and sex because... well, I can't think of a good reason. But, hey, at least the government sucks at censoring stuff. I'm 13 and I've seen Playboys. I've seen at least a gajillion R rated movies, and I can walk into any store in Connecticut and buy some M rated video games. You know why? No one cares anymore. They're as desensitized as we are, and that's a good thing. It is a sad fact that we find violence so entertaining, but hell, it is. I freaking love to see movies where there are more scenes of mindless violence than there are actual scenes of acting. These movies are aimed at the lowest common denominator because intelligent movie goers are as extinct as the Dodo bird. Movies like Showgirls make more money than Panther because they are more fun, not because they are better. It will always be this way. The government should not, and can not, keep us from seeing what we want to see.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just for a moment, let's pretend we live in a future where TV containing sex or violence is illegal, and so are video games and any other medium. Now, if we want to see sex, under agers are going to have sex.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Sociology and Age Section Ch

Ch 10 What role does the media need to play in ending gender violence? What is the glass ceiling? Why are women a minority group? In what countries mentioned in the text has mass media helped create an incipient women's movement by showing women that other gender relationships are possible? What was the result of the remarks made by the President of Harvard University suggesting women had inborn characteristics making them less competitive than men in fields such as engineering? What did the Vietnam veterans study find out about aggression?When the media replaces older female broadcasters with younger ones while keeping older ones, what might explain this? How do feminists feel about female circumcision? What is the glass escalator? What is gender tracking? What is disengagement theory? How do sociologists view gender based behavior? What is an age cohert What is suttee in India? What was Engels explanation of patriarchy? In which sociological perspective do theorists focus on how th e meaning of â€Å"old age† shifts based on the changing conditions of society? What is life expectancy? What are honor killings?What were the 3 waves of feminism? What were the goals of each? What is the definition of feminism? What is activity theory (age section ch 10) Which era lead to the greatest increase in life expectancy? What is unintentional sexual discrimination in healthcare? Ch 11 What is a rational-legal authority? A charismatic leader? Who in US history has embodied both? Which country pays the most social security taxes? Which type of leader is believed to be touch by God? What are criticisms of socialism? What is capitalism? What happens when economies have both?The Ruling class are Domhoff’s description of which group? (Ruling class) What are their characteristics? What is totalitarianism? Give examples. What invention lead to the industrial era? What effect does industrialization have on traditional authorities? In capitalism, who determines the cos t of goods? What is a political action committee? What lead to conspicuous consumption? What is convergence theory? Early systems of government closely resembled what type of social institution? Town hall meetings are held to create laws in which type of government?What are the 3 conditions of war? What is the global villiage? Which theorist stated an items value is based on the work that goes into it and that profit is made by paying workers less than this? What are the 3 sources of authority identified by Weber? Who has a monopoly on legitimate force and violence? What is the political gender gap? What is the most common title for the ruler of a city state? Which theorist says authority must be deemed legitimate by the people? Ch 12 In both single mother families and married couples what is the most common childcare for working mothers?What is the sociological definition of marriage? What is serial fatherhood? What are the biggest strains in the US family? What percent of US marri ages are interracial? Is the family universal? Who says? Which theory is going to look at the meaning of women’s work? What trends are expected to continue in education? What influence does industrialization have on family structure? Which racial/ ethnic group is least likely to be headed by a married couple? Who are the most common incest offenders? Which racial/ethnic group is most likely to have strong fatherly influence?Which theory identified that the family provides economic production, socialization, care of the sick and aged, etc.? Who are DINKS? SINKS? Who are boomerang children? Ch 13 What did Marx say about religion? What do schools have to do with the cultural transmission of values? What are they? What were the 2 major goal of education when it was first introduced to the masses? What is tracking Which theory says religion gives meaning to our lives? What is gatekeeping in education? Which functions of families are now being fulfilled by schools?What was the Inqu isition? What is a credential society? What does it mean to be born again? What is mainstreaming of disabilities? How does money influence school admission in Japan? Religion has been used to justify denying homosexuals rights in America. What would a conflict theorist say this says about religion? What is ecclesia? What was the result of the remarks made by the President of Harvard University suggesting women had inborn characteristics making them less competitive than men in fields such as engineering?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Manufacturing Technology Essay

The automated systems was best said on my end. Transfer machines, cell phones and other automated devices are used to set a communication establishment upon anyone. It’s all about producing faster and having more efficiency in the industrial world. They also help reduce costs such as a bank you have ATM’s rather than having a clerk or 2 handling your withdrawals and deposits. You also have development of apps. These apps can take pictures of your checks and deposit them from there. Also manage your accounts with transfers and payments. It’s claimed that many human interactions really don’t require the human touch to it, which is true. Transfers of virtual products and or cash don’t need to be manually human handled. The article has been developed this year, which defiantly will have a fair and accurate perspective on the manufacturing technology that we have in mind now. Timings, R., & Wilkinson, S. (2000). Manufacturing Technology (2nd ed.). 1061-2890, Harlow, Essex: Longman. In this book we come across specific detail about percentage-wise wholes in how much costs were reduced at the time of the startup in manufacturing technology. It claimed that all manufacturing technology orders dropped 20.4% at the start of its creation and then suddenly rose 9.8% later that year. Every year since then there’s been a 3% up raise since the start of it all. Having it being written 15 years ago I am heavily against this book, just due to the fact of how much our technology has advanced. The book shows how transfer machines are being held against in the workload and reducing the efficiency of work from its employees which is just a big key factor in communication. With the advancement in technology this has got to be a joke. Almost all technology is set in touch screen adaptations, faster ram processors, and larger memories to keep companies moving and cost efficient. Blaedel, K. L. â€Å"SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology.† SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology. USDOE, 1 Feb. 1997. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. This set article claims that there are 4 projects that led to the main movement of manufacturing technology. It details exactly how they got to developing such a vast movement at the time which we could easily set apart from our age having it being published over 10 years ago. It shows exactly how to â€Å"develop an understanding of fundamental fabrication process†. Heap, J. (2004). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Vol. 57, pp. 156-176). Bradford, England: Emerald Group. This book had several findings of out SME’s had an early development progress against productivity and performance management throughout different AMT’s. It shows the different effects in management and what manners they had at the time to reduce operation costs and team efficiency. Acquisition of Manufacturing Technology. (2013). MENA Report, Retrieved from Throughout this article we the write to see what acquisitions were involved to establish the different types of manufacturing technology in our more recent industry. Our updated technologies have claimed to make our recent years more cost efficient and productive by over 150%! I am all up with this article because it has its cited facts and it’s only 2 years from our current date, so this would be my most supported article just due to the date it was created. Milgrom, P., & Roberts, J. (1990). The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Technology, strategy, and organization. The American Economic Review, 511-528. In this scholarly article, we learn the economics of modern manufacturing and what came with the update at the time and how it was processed and underwent a revolution. The scholarly article stated that the â€Å"mass production model is being replaced by a vision of a flexible multiproduct firm that emphasizes quality and speedy response to market conditions while utilizing technologically advanced equipment and new forms of organization.† This was the start of a new branch in observing what could be replaced and updated with technology. I do enjoy seeing the central difference of how technology has shaped the workplace with time. Doms, M., Dunne, T., & Roberts, M. J. (1995). The Role of Technology Use in the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Plants. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 13(4), 523-542. In this scholarly article, we come to distinguish the relationship between principal strength, how we use to come across the usage of manufacturing technology and what growth rates it came with. It stated that the main findings at the time had a mindset of higher progression rates against technology would have a far less development and production failure. Tracey, M., Vonderembse, M. A., & Lim, J. S. (1999). Manufacturing Technology and Strategy Formulation: Keys to Enhancing Competitiveness and Improving Performance. Journal of Operations Management, 17(4), 411-428. When coming across this article we see how the main set of technology was set and how that generation at the time had evolved it into a more competitive and healthier implement. As stated, â€Å"Linear Structural Equation Analysis results show that the relationships between a firm’s practices in these two areas and its competitive capabilities are found to be statistically significant and positive†, which shows me they had their own strategic role in which they followed to test out their performance and which ways they could use to improve the marketing satisfaction. Shepherd, D. A., Mcdermott, C., & Stock, G. N. (2000). Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 11(1), 19-33. doi:10.1016/S1047- 8310(00)00019-5 We come to the instruction of AMT’s and how their benefits improved our workload and consumer satisfaction. This article shows the specific studies in how AMT’s were tested and outweighed the beneficial manufacturing firms in all over the world. The flexibility and higher efficiency claims from them outsourced many operational downfalls to provide advantage across the marketplace. Cho, K. (1993). Manufacturing Technology in Korea. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 12(3), 216-222. doi:10.1016/0278-6125(93)90331-M Set across this article we have a different perspective having most of us live in the United States. With 32 set studies across this article it has been set that they have had an establishment of implementing local manufacturers across the nation with the support of  educational programs in technology and engineering. A different set perspective against the U.S. showing us how other countries had a different goal with maintaining manufacturing technology. Anonymous. (2011, ). TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING HEALTH CARE. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) This article was interesting to me to see the perspective of how manufacturing technology affected the health care industry. With 2 new hospitals opening up in other countries, hospitals have set out ads over the radio and television to help drivers understand the dangers of texting while driving and the rising amount of drivers ending up in the hospital from being distracted behind the wheel. I did enjoy reading this because I do commute 80 miles a day to work on the highway and easily see how much people are distracted behind the wheel. I wouldn’t know this new advancement in technology has caused such an uprise in car accidents, enough to open new hospitals around the world.